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What Wishes May Bring...

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

When was the last time you made a wish? Do you remember what it was?

It was a beautiful, San Diego spring day. My daughters and I were on a bike ride, and we had no destination in mind. Just us... going. Sometimes we point out the landscaping and plants we like the best. Sometimes we stop to smell the honeysuckle, or to look in the windows of a house for sale. It's pure enjoyment.

This day, we noticed a large area that had lots of dandelions in their fluffy, ready to fly stage of life. We decided to park our bikes. We carefully walked around scoping out the one that was fullest, ready for the "wish". We each sat next to our favourite, and picked slowly and delicately to keep the seeds from blowing away.

We closed our eyes and made wordless wishes.

It was ritualistic and in those seconds, we took it for our truth.

When we felt complete, we opened our eyes, smiled at each other, and spent a few more moments blowing random puffs around before the property owner showed up. She laughed when I asked for forgiveness (we were trespassing), and she said we are welcome anytime.

What dawned on me later that day, was that we were actually, unintentionally, inviting the first stage of manifestation. As a child, every single time I'd see a dandelion puffy, I'd stop and make a wish - silently. It was well known as bad luck to share wishes; even at a wishing pool. So we just made those few seconds matter, and our wishes stayed a secret because we didn't want to risk the vulnerability - what if it doesn't come true - what if it will fail - what if it isn't a good idea - what if somebody does it better - what if I try and then hate it - what if, what if, what if...

Well... what if?! What if it's AWESOME?! What if it is the absolute best decision you have ever made?! What if just saying this one wish out loud completely changes your life in the best ways possible, and you can't imagine anything otherwise?!

What I've learned, and tested since childhood, is that if you want to create your ideal relationship/career/situation/life, you have to start with a wish. But you can't stop there. You have to say it out loud. Maybe it's to yourself. Maybe it's to your BFF. Maybe it's to a stranger at the grocery store, or in some other line somewhere else. Wherever you choose to bare your bravery and share your little bud for the first time isn't what's important. The main element in manifestation is to get it out there. Verbalise it and grow that dream outside your mind! Holding the wish in silence almost guarantees it won't germinate and grow and become a beautiful expansion of your life. I'm not suggesting you quit everything right now. I AM suggesting you go out and find a quiet, puffy dandelion and wish on it. What is the absolute first thing that comes to mind?

What is the first step you can take to say this dream out loud?

If you don't have any dandelion puffs around you, or can't wait to start this liberating exercise, find yourself in a peaceful place and pretend you have a puff. Close your eyes. Make a wish and blow.

What did you come up with?

Who is the first person you're going to tell?!

Life is FULL of opportunity; you just have to begin. And then reach out and GRAB IT.

Sending Warmth Always,


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